Tuesday 17 December 2013

CALARTS Portfolio Checklist - Part 1 'Let's get serious - I mean you are really running out of time'

From what I can gather, there are three main sections; Human Nudes e.g life drawings; Animals and Environments.

Below is an Excel Spreadsheet of what I think CALARTS would love to see within the drawings such as Shape, Form, contour eg. I know that CALARTS or any animation insitution is big on gesture, so I've included some form of movement. I have also made a note of the lenght of poses and the medium so at least I know that I am producing a range of drawings.

You will notice that so far, I think, that I have managed to satisfy at least 5 of the 15 drawings needed. I got at least a good two weeks to pull something out of my ass. I've got my weekly life drawing this Saturday, so hopefully I should produce some really good pieces.

In the meantime, I need to concerntrate on my weakest point, environments/ landscapes. The main reason why I don't like it, is that it takes forever - you need at least several sittings just to capture the details - and then you have the added problem of what you are going to draw / how can you make a landscape with a lonely tree interesting? At least CALARTS has given us clues something with, ambience, mood and depth.

For one of exteriors, it had to be a view of my hometown, Daggers. I particularly liked the view from the library, 2nd floor. Perhaps sound a little pervy, but you can observe people, how they walk, how they talk and look at each other, how they dressed, and how they react with one another. I don't know why it's fascinating - it's just is.

For the interior it had to be the inside of a church. Again, I didn't know why as I never attended the catholic church around the corner from where I live. The insider was beautiful, it felt peaceful, it was welcoming and warm. It was also noticeable how a few people looked distressed, there was an underlying feeling of anixety, fear perhaps of what is going to happen next. Capturing this is going to take several sittings as I want to make sure I do the picture justice. Unfortunately, the outside of the church just looked plain - it did'nt have a presence - I suppose the saying 'never judge a book by it's cover' holds true.

For my second interior has to be my bedroom. I don't know what sort of amibience or feeling my room creates. I know it doesn't have depth. So perhaps may not be the right choice. Any way I'm signing off to think about what else I can capture.

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