Thursday 26 December 2013

CALARTS Life drawing Portfolio blog: 'Researching other artist's work'

Whilst I'm trying to figure out how the hell I am going to solve my immediate problems of having neither any models nor a place that can help me scan my artwork; I have decided to do some research.   So far I'm producing some pretty mundane stuff, which is heavily classical based.  Nothing wrong with that - after all I need to show CALARTS that I can draw. 

The reason why I am weary of producing any more classical based drawings is that, from what I've gathered CALARTS is not particularly fond of a portfolio that is heavily classical based.  I'm guessing that they want to see gesture and something unique.

Hence the reason for researching other people's work, to find inspiration and ideas that I can adapt into my own artwork.  I've searched for some contemporary life drawings that I really liked.  I've also managed to save them on my pinterest account.

I've mentioned some of the artist below along with the link - and my reasoning for liking it.  Please note that it's not in any particular order.

Christopher Williams

Pic. 1   Dancer Intensity by Christopher Williams

Pic. 2   Movement VI by Christopher Williams

I love the energy of these pieces.  In the first picture, 'Dancer Intensity' it almost feels as if the dancer is drawing out her very soul.  I'm loving the line quality and I love his use of tone to depict movement.  Although the human shape is not  fully formed you still feel its essence, its sense of transition.

This is a must for me try out, trying to capture a sequence of gesture drawings, during adance performance.
You can find out more about the artist Christopher Williams at

Fred Hatt


OMG, I love the fact that this artist is not restricted by one particular line technique.  The virbracy of the colours makes his work unique.  His blog is a must read, as he's always on the quest of pushing the boundaries as far as he can, 
This is something that I  have to include in my portfolio.

 Chris Wood


I really don't get this overlapping - as far as I am concerned it is a bit confusing, that is until I saw some of Chris Wood's work.  I really like Pic. 6 as I find it uber sensual, I particualarly liked the the touching of the arms.   In Pic 7, I do like the colours.

 To see more of the artist work see

I 've included this because I like the use of colours.

Again like the above, I just like this particular artwork, I think it has more to do with the use of colours and how they complement each other.

I like the combination of the colours.

John Ackerson

I know, it's not gesture drawings, but I've included this because it feels real.  It actually feels that he's moving, I think it's because of the short strokes that he uses.  He's got some excellent work to that you should see
The rest of the pictures were taken from London Drawing Facebook.!/photo.php?fbid=573104686089883&set=pb.157715580962131.-2207520000.1387565003.&type=3&theater.  I do not know the artist name.  If you recognise any of these as your painting please let me know so that add your name to them.

I've also included an article to show how to make your artwork more interesting.

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