Sunday, 30 March 2014

Got my rejection letter from CALARTs Boo Who!!!

I didn't get in!! - sob - sob.  #

The problem is, I really don't know where I went wrong :o(.  I'm kicking myself for not applying to Sheridan - at least (I think) they give you some indication of your artistic ability in terms of a grading sheet.
Amazingly, the family has done a u-turn about not wanting me to sell up  everything and go to CALARTs; now they're insisting that I put up a fight for next year.  I suppose that's one good thing to come out of this rejection, that I now have complete backing from my family.
I think the next constructive steps after a rejection are;
1. getting feedback on my portfolio;
2. getting feedback on my sketchbooks and
3. getting feedback on my artist statements. 
I'm going to apply to CALARTs for one last time.  I think I might also apply to Sheridans - simply for the valueable feedback form.  If Ringlings offer sometype of feedback form - I might apply to go there as well. 
I going to change tactics slightly.  Although the past four months have been an eye opener in terms of life drawing, I really don't want a portfolio to prodominately produce a series of life drawings. I am eager to produce some polished products.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

I haven't heard anything yet!!!!

I  haven't heard anything from CALARTs !!!!!   A lot of people have got their acceptance letters already - and there have been speculations that CALARTs are nearing their 60 positions.  It looks like the writing is on the wall, but a part of me can't stop being hopeful.

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